Archive for July, 2007

I shall not stop shitting on you until you are submerged in my sweet smelling excretia

Another remix, certified dolomite. Wait til your mom heads to the store then bump this on full volume. WAIT! compose yourself first, I played this to billy ray cyrus and the niggas heart blew up like a muslim at an airport!!!! are you ready? you sure? GO!


Is it piles dr? im afraid not, its dolo!

yeah saba, thats why your ass be so sore. My blog leaps from snow covered peak to snow covered peak, its ascent ever higher. All the while your pitiful site sinks into the bog, hopeless and pathetic, soon to be a grave without a headstone.  Thats why you mad. Im krs and you Pm dawn, and your ego is the front row. Youll never be dolo

Soulstrut cowards predictably impressed by dollop of crap

Fatback has a thread on the board feting the newest entry into the michael moore oeuvre, Sicko. He lauds the film in spite of, or more acurrately because of, it being nothing but a sequence of anecdotes selected to tug at the heart and evade the brain completely.

He also dismisses attacks on moores character as being somehow irrelevant. Im afraid that when you ask the audience to believe the anecdotes presented are representative, as moore does in this film, then your character becomes very important. There is no reason to believe any of the anecdotes are respresentative, to the contrary, since statistical evidence is obviously vastly superior to anecdotal evidence, when an anecdote is presented in absense of statistical support it is safe to assume the reason is that the statistics do not support the impression the film is attempting to convey, the anecdote being willfully misleading.

One such example is the gentlemen who, according to the films narrative, is left to die thanks to the evil insurance company refusing to fund the treatment which would save him. The implication is that if he had lived in france, canada, or the UK, and not the US, he would have got the treatment. I consulted motowns files and could not find a single reference to the course of treatment as described in the film, from this I can only assume it is highly experimental and unrecognised. Considering the repeated reluctance of government healthcare systems to offer tried and tested treatments, nevermind incredibly experimental ones, it is similarly safe to assume that none of the other healthcare systems profiled in the film offer it(an anecdote of my own: Im currently in the UK as my legions of fans know and right now the NHS is being sued by an azheimers charity because of the NHS’s decision to stop the provision of a range of azlheimers drugs because they cost the equivalent of a whopping $5 a week to provide). The film cynically relies on the tragic nature of the gentlemens circumstance to consume the viewers attention and paralyse their critical faculties, a tactic which evidently worked with the sloth minded fatback(though in his case I suspect flashing a few bright colors on the screen would have produced the same result)

All this film can reasonably be said to prove is the following: there are some people who have bad experiences with the american healthcare system, there are some people who have good experiences with contrasting healthcare systems. This is the total sum of what the evidence allows us to conclude. It is a truely worthless excercise.

I just discovered laserwolf is old as hell

Soulstrut is crawling with bridge club ballers like this poor fellow and that weezing ruin of a man rockaedlic. These guys may have been the shit back in the day; cruising in their thunderbirds with the foxiest mamas this side of mississippi, their pompadour boufants standing like granite in the face of breeze and gale alike. The sad fact remains that the hands of time have washed themselves of these moth eaten men of yesterday. Its my time now, dolo’s time. You tuned in and turned on and now its time to drop out. Pitting yourself against the young bull dolo in a vain effort to reclaim the thrills of youth, to inject some color into those faded memories, is less than worthless. Enjoy the time you have left, dont waste it trying to fuck with the D.

The rest of the cowards arent much younger, the board is crammed with more over 30’s than a peter engel production. I see now that it is this too and not just their profound anti-intellectualism which begat their enmity for me. A key component of the images they attempt to craft for themselves is youth and my posts, bubbling over with the vitality and strength of real testosterone charged youth as they are, only gave lie to these efforts.