Archive for June, 2007

hairybelafonte is a bike riding homo!

Here is the evidence

Thank you, this is just what I needed to start off my bike ride this morning.

This was posted in response to a mix called ‘feeling good’. So in summary, hairybelafonte rides around on a bike listening to feel good music. Whether he does so barefoot is not conceded though is almost certainly the case.

Harveycanal is the only poster to have made any reference to the highly dubious nature of belafonte’s remark. The rest of the posters in the thread must be considered complicit.  

Soulstrut: a personification


Things that are NOT being discussed on soulstrut today

The first page of soulstrut you will not be surprised to learn has NO threads on the following subjects

fucking mad bitches

making mad money

driving in a benz

sleeping on 2 grand

drinking cristal from goblets

bitch slapping fools

chillin in the V.I.P

wiling out in the club, the bar, or any place at all

popping guns

watching shit on the samsung LN-T4053H

If there were a message board dedicated to dolo threads like the above would litter the front page. Posted not only by me but by rafts of people interested in learning the art of balling from a recognised master in the field.  If RAJ is interested in arresting soulstruts tumbling traffic he really needs to to purge some of the busters totally preventing the seed of piff from taking root.

The bannings id advise would be:

Rockadelic, Sabadaba, Kala, Motown, laserwolf, fatback, tripledouble.

The above are all straight failures who babble bullshit that no-one is trying to hear.

‘Graphic novel’ is term used by people ashamed that they read comic books

Needless to say, a search for the term on soulstrut yeilds a torrent of hits. A pretentious nerd is even worse than the garden variety.

Soulstrut cowards are some book reading faggots

This is not the 19th century. Books have no place as a leisure medium any longer. Some basic mathematics:

Books = words(1)

Television = words, visuals and sound(3)

television is at least three times more entertaining and that is without even factoring in that with television you rarely have to read anything, which has always been one of the main drawbacks of books. The only reason that novels have survived as well as they have in the wake of television is egotism. This can be seen in the recent soulstrut thread where various cowards reveal their intention to refrain from watching television.

Now, some may say that i’m being too cynical, that perhaps they simply do not enjoy television. Yes, perhaps, but why do they feel compelled to announce it to the world? I am sure that even they, as arrogant as they are, cannot believe there is any great interest in how they spend their three hours a day away from soulstrut. No, The reason they renounce television so conspicuously is that television is a mass market medium, it is associated with the majority. To announce your rejection of television is therfore to announce that you are distinct from the majority, superior, which is the whole point of doing it.

Further credence to this analysis can be added by taking a gander at the various books they claim to to be reading in lieu of television, books which id suspect were purchased to be placed prominently on a coffee table rather than enjoyed. Just take in the titles ‘Jesus son'(gay), ‘Rule of the bone'(real gay), ‘The god delusion'(gayly blasphemous), ‘the razor’s edge'(philosophically bent), ‘Surely youre joking mr. feynman'(Not gay as I own it. Feynmans exploits in the war make for entertaining reading, as does his slap downs of the various garrolous say nothings he encounters. Still, the recommender’s claim that it ‘makes you wonder why you watch television’ is gayly false)

So we see yet another soulstrut thread that when deconstructed is entirely about fronting.

Real men don’t have favorite will ferrel lines

and even if they did they certainly wouldnt quote them. Individuals who randomly insert various movie and television quotations into conversations are the scum of the earth. It is a profoundly irritating signalling technique designed to allow fellow social retards to home in on one another. The minute you find yourself in a group of people quoting such things to each other you know it is only a matter of time before the windows jokes start flowing.

Dolo doesnt require such crutches of shared experience to lubricate social interaction. He is erudite, cultured and charming. Ask your bitch.

Soulstrut is crumbling under dolo’s onslaught

Cyber swaggering around that site I came across the advertisements page which featured the quote :

Traffic-wise, ranked Soul Strut 40,000th out of 7,836,739,956,845,937 web sites. The numbers are always on the rise.

On reading this dolo decided to slide over to and see if the notoriously deceitful raj was being honest with his advertisers. I was not in the least bit surprised when I discovered that far from the numbers being ‘always on the rise’ soulstrut had fallen nearly 100,000 places in less than a year.

Notice the sharp drop coming in june. This is what’s called the dolo effect.

If we constrast the traffic trends of with that of soulstrut cowards


 we see that, should trends continue, soulstrut cowards will have surpassed in a few weeks. 

UPDATE: the-breaks is over 30,000 places higher than soulstrut

James brown was a reaganite

It seems likely that the reason james so often inisted on gloves when shaking someones hand was the prevalence of lefties in the music industry. It goes without question that soulstrut cowards would get the glove. If dolo wouldve made the godfathers aquaintance however, I am sure I and james would have grasped our firm BARE hands together in a scene erriely reminiscent of carl weathers greeting arnold in ‘predator’.

Music is a reflection of the soul. Politics, of course, is the same reflection in differing form. If you analyse the last 50 years of music with this in mind you quickly see that conservatism is a prime requisite for the creation of music with true power and lasting relevance. Even instances which on first glance seem to contradict this observation on closer inspection are seen to conform to it. Take john lennon for instance. His politics are often thought of, for entirely superficial reasons, as leftwing. This is because so many forget that the essential difference between conservatism and liberalism is one of method. The contemporary liberal utilises state power, the true conservative always relies on social power.

Lennon was an unamibguous believer in the individual and saw society for what it really is: the total sum of the innumerable decisions of and relationships between free individuals.

The lesson is clear, if you wish to get on lennon’s or dolo’s musical level you need to absorb and adopt the philosophy expounded here.

Soulstrut hypocrisy on vulgar display

On the first page they have a thread dedicated approvingly to chavez’s decree that his supporters give away unessecary luxuries and directly above it they are flaunting their gaudy overpriced watches.

Soulstrut cowards stunned that socialist strongman doesnt care about freedom afterall

If these idiots knew anything about history their enthusiasm for chavez may have been tempered by castro’s various pro-democracy assurances all those years ago. Bearing in mind castro, and all the mugabe’s and juan peron’s who have come since, it’s staggering that theyve made the same mistake again. Well, it would be, were it really a mistake.

Socialiststrut is the home and soapbox of the millionaire marxist, the limosine liberal, the champagne socialist, the lexus lefty, the hampton hippy, the consumerist commie, the soire stalinist, the toyota troskyite, the lavish leninist, the four bedroom fabian. They endorse these tinpot thugs to give the impression of compassion, whether these autocrats improve the lives of the poor or not is not their concern. They talk alot about improving the lives of the impoverished and that is good enough for the soulstrut coward.